Malware Clinic and Identification Resources
If you have a virus and you can’t get rid of it or if you see that your pc or network
is behaving strangely do not hesitate, send an E-mail to ‘vsample (at) wavci (dot) com’ . Don’t forget of course to replace ‘at’ with @ and ‘dot’ with . to create a normal email address, this is done for anti-spam purposes.
* Note 1: It can take several days before your questions are answered:
I receive a lot of e-mail at the moment !
* Note 2: If you want to send me a sample of an infected file with a virus
please use a ‘zipped’ file with the password “infected” to secure the file !
Malware databases
Many sites carry detailed information about items of malware, their causes and effects. These are some of the most useful.
Online file checkers and sandboxes
If a file is suspected to be malicious or infected, it can be checked using these resources. Simple online file checkers use the provider’s own anti-malware detection functionality. Multi-scanners use a large set of scanning engines, and can be useful to cross-reference malware names. Sandboxes are more sophisticated tools which run the file in a controlled environment and report back on its actions.
Online scanners
Online scanners can connect to the local system and scan the filesystem, memory etc. for malware, using the most up-to-date version of the provider’s detection engine. Most require an up-to-date browser and many only support certain browser types. They will usually require the installation of an ActiveX control or similar.