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New website and the start of my world tour

You possibly already found out by now that I refurbished my personal website otherwise you weren’t reading this.
I really hope you like the new look of this site which took us several weeks to come up with. It was really necessary after a long period of silence I think.

With this new look I’m also starting my world tour where I sometimes will attend some conferences and sometimes will speak at these events.

Just finished with our G Data’s press tour in the Benelux I’m ready for the next events:

  • BruCon Conference: Brussels, Belgium (attending)
  • Virus Bulletin Conference: Vancouver, Canada (speaking together with Righard Zwienenberg(Norman) about internal attacks and problems in the cloud)
  • Infosecurity NL: Utrecht, The Netherlands (attending)
  • AAVAR Conference: Bali (speaking together with David Harley(Eset) and Lysa Myers(Westcoast Labs) about product evaluation and malware simulation)
  • G Data Japan Press Tour: Tokyo (speaking)

And this is just the beginning … more trips are planned even during the writing of this piece.

One trip could be very interesting but it’s still undecided if I will participate …. but stay tuned as I could meet some VIPS of the world.  ;-)

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