Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Security Events and ... where to find Eddy Willems? updated version 2

It's unbelievable how fast time flies if you're having fun. I've been travelling lately from one event to the other one. I got 3 events in a row on 3 days. During some of the events I speak, give a lecture, keynote or a presentation. A lot of people have asked me in the past to put my agenda on the internet but of course this is something I will not to do because of the security aspect however I will give a small (incomplete) overview of some of the events where I will speak the next weeks:

- 13 October: Kaspersky Lab Ingram roadshow
( http://www.ingram.be )
- 21 October: Kaspersky Lap UK Partner Event
( www.kaspersky.co.uk )
- 22 October: Kaspersky Lab DMAX-Copaco roadshow
( http://www.dmax.be )
- 4-5 November: Infosecurity NL 11:00-11:30u
(Malware testing considerations from Analysts in-the-cloud)
( http://www.infosecurity.nl )
- 22-23 November: Kaspersky Lab Student Conference London
( http://www.kaspersky.com/events )
- 25 November: Securiosity Nijmegen : Nederlandse Universiteiten
Security Event Keynote
( https://www.securiosity.nl )
- 26 November: Kaspersky Lab DCB roadshow
( http://www.dcb.be )


More is coming for HCC NL and another big event in Belgium.
And I possibly forget a couple of other ones.
If you want to book me, it's possible: just contact Kaspersky Lab.

Just updated the agenda with a UK event ... replacing David Emm.